Pop-Up: Line&Ligaments

3 days only! Meet the artists in studio June 20-22nd from 1 - 5pm.


A painter living in Portland, Oregon, Emily has a background and interest in both visual arts and creative writing. Her work is influenced by the interaction between these two mediums and their ability to displace expectations and construct abstracted narratives. By playing with unconventional perspectives, colour, and traditional imagery, each painting is meant to establish a new environment and explore the impressionability of reality and the poetics of space.


Marley fuses a painting practice with materiality; combining found materials, dyed canvas and gestural mark making. This combination alludes to notions of the body, labour and construction.

"I am a painter, drawn to its tactile, messy and mystical qualities. I think of myself as a living embodiment of painting in action, expressing my thoughts and feelings through its visual nature. Colour expresses its essence through memory and touch. What has driven me is the ability to express myself through this language. This has evolved into an exploration of a material practice, collecting found and recycled materials, dying and altering, sewing, ripping, layering, folding patching. This evolution in essence still performs as painting, penetrating and complicating this particular practice."


Performance: Rosie Ranauro


Pop-Up: Passing Through